Our Board of Directors
in the summer semester 2024
The ESB Student Consulting e. V. board team comprises four board positions. The management of the association, project acquisition and staffing are the responsibility of the CEO. The Board Member for Finance & Legal assumes the position of Deputy Chairman and takes care of all financial and legal matters. Our Marketing & HR Board deals with the external presentation of the association as well as internal communication in the form of events, workshops and excursions. The Board Member for Business Improvement & IT is responsible for process and knowledge management as well as the continuous development of the association and ensures the smooth functioning of the IT infrastructure.
Philipp Grün
Lead & Account Management
Tasks: Strategic orientation, project acquisition, communication, staffing and projects
1st Chairman
Lukas Laib
Finance & Legal
Tasks: Budget planning, bookkeeping, contact person for legal questions
2nd Chairman
Nils Reeh
Business Improvement & IT
Process, knowledge and IT management, staffing and projects
Benjamin Stamm
Marketing & HR
Tasks: Organization of events, support of social media appearances and coordination of HR tasks
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